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Your June Horoscope Is Full Of Fire, Fantasy, And Feelings This Year

June kicks off with an energetic full moon in Sagittarius on the 3rd, and Venus moves into fiery Leo just two days later. Pluto retrograde backtracks into Capricorn on June 11, but that doesn't halt our momentum — it highlights our progress. This retrograde takes us back to the power dynamic we had in March, so it's important to take note of the growth and understanding that’s transpired since then. That very same day, Mercury glides into Gemini, bringing clarity to our communications (and hopefully furthering that forward momentum).

When Saturn retrogrades to Pisces on June 17, we're encouraged to reconsider our commitments, especially when the new moon in Gemini the next day brings our fantasies to life — what could be keeping you from your dream life right now? The Sun crawls into Cancer on June 21, starting the new seasons of both Cancer and summer. These first days of summer allow us to dive into our emotions with Mercury swimming into Cancer on June 26 and Neptune in Pisces beginning its months-long retrograde on June 30.


aries june horoscope 2023

You excel at winning, which often means that you can also be a sore loser. Remember, life is full of ups and downs, so accept the sweetness with the bitters. Both are necessary in other to be an amazing person. The more you’re open to these scenarios, the greater the good times will be.


taurus june horoscope 2023

Your confidence is at a high, allowing you to ask for more work projects. The caveat is that you’re biting off more than you can chew — so make sure that you’re not working yourself to the bone. Yes, you’re a hard worker, but you like to have fun, too.


gemini june horoscope 2023

The time has come for you to set definitive boundaries with others. Giving yourself endlessly to those you care about is depleting your energy and making you exhausted. Taking your power back may ruffle some feathers at first amongst your peers, but it will be extremely beneficial to your wellbeing.


cancer june horoscope 2023

Instead of using your words to communicate your feelings, you’re choosing to ignite your intuition in navigating through relationships and situations. Use your gut sentiments to help you understand matters and people on a better level. When in doubt, journal or mediate to comprehend everything in a deep meaningful way.


leo june horoscope 2023

It may seem as though people are secretive, when in fact they’re just keeping a low profile and not communicating much with anyone. Before roaring your heart out, speak gently to them when sussing out the situation to ensure that you keep things copacetic and are sensitive to their needs.


virgo june horoscope 2023

The trajectory of your career is making major waves. You’ll find that it’s easy for you to achieve stellar status with your boss by doing what you always do — working hard day in and day out. They’ll appreciate your efforts and dedication. Translation: a raise or promotion is possible.


libra june horoscope 2023

You’re wanting to expand your mind and horizons this month. All the more reason to sign up for an online class or read a book on a cool philosophy. Allowing yourself to embrace new concepts, ideas, and hobbies gives you the chance to broaden your personal perspectives in many ways.


scorpio june horoscope 2023

Being busy is keeping you away from those you love and making good on your promises. Since you don’t want to disappoint those you care about, explain why you need to augment things that are already in place. As long as you’re sincere and open to rescheduling, they will understand.


sagittarius june horoscope 2023

If you’ve been waffling back-and-forth about the level of commitment you want to give to your squad, then June’s cosmic energy can help you come to terms about the state of your relationship. If your S.O./crush is wanting to be more FWB than monogamous, it’s time for you to call it.


capricorn june horoscope 2023

It’s unlike you to be confused about the future since you’re always planning ahead. Currently, you are reassessing your long term goals and questioning what you want to attain. You do not have to make any decisions now, but you may want to consider as many options as you can.


aquarius june horoscope 2023

You’re working on mending the past and healing trauma. Even if it takes time and hurts as you heal, the good news is that you’re evolving and transforming on the inside. Growing pains are expected, but as long as you give yourself TLC, the interval wounds won’t feel as bad.


pisces june horoscope 2023

You might be surprised upon learning who you can completely trust. Some of the people that you thought were your true pals don’t have your best interests at heart. Others that you may have had issues with in the past, will be loyal — proving you never know who has your back.

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Header image via Layanne / PEXELS

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