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Once You've Tried These Easy Snack And Wine Pairings, You'll Never Go Back

Ever since scrolling past this infographic from Wine Ethusiast about what potato chips pair well with different wines, I've been secretly plotting my next charcuterie night. I had never really considered the harmony that snack pairings could create on those wine-filled evenings I know (admittedly) too well, but now, I've seen the light. Though people can go on and on about dish and wine combos from fancy restaurants, sommelier-style, there are actually *tons* of easy snacks to pair with wine. Taking inspiration from the lovely potato chip example, here are some accessible bites to enjoy with your next glass!

pairing riesling wine with salt and vinegar chips

Reisling + Salt & Vinegar Chips

To me, it's not a real wine night if there's not Reisling involved. Each sip is fruity and sweet, and admittedly, makes it feel like you're not drinking wine sometimes. 😉 Salt & vinegar chips (ahem, the best ones are from Kettle Brand) do a great job at balancing out that strong sweetness, instead providing a puckeringly sour counter flavor. Gather the party 'round, and get ready to feast on this iconic combo all night.

Dark Chocolate Truffles are an easy snack to serve with malbec wine

Malbec + Dark Chocolate Truffles

Argentinian Malbec carries notes of plum, blackberry, black cherry, and warm spices that go well with a number of snacks, but the easiest (and tastiest) one is dark chocolate. Dark chocolate isn't as sweet as other types, and thanks to its bitterness, it makes the perfect companion to a glass of the red variety. Plus, this duo makes a pretty impressive pair for date night!

Chardonnay + Butter Club Crackers snacks to pair with wine

Chardonnay + Butter Club Crackers

Crackers were made for chardonnay, but these Club Minis make the sipping experience even better. They are infused with notes of fermented wine with hints of citrus and oak, and each bite you take is followed by the toasted wheat and signature buttery notes of a Club cracker. Everything is beautifully balanced out in this pairing. 💛

Syrah wine and Cheetos snack pairing

Syrah + Cheetos

Syrah wines are typically fruit-forward, but with a bigger emphasis on oak notes. It's fairly easy on the palette, leaving a richness that begs for a cheesy snack. Enter the less-elevated Cheetos – which are still *so* good, BTW – to finish the tasting experience. Next wine night you have, try out this amazing combo and witness the magic for yourself!

Pinot Noir pairs well with a Goat Cheese snack

Pinot Noir + Goat Cheese

Red fruits form the deeper taste of Pinot Noir, and though saturated, each sip usually has lower tannin levels that contribute to a smoother feel. When drinking Pinot Noir, adventure seekers *might* miss the sharpness that other red wines provide, which is why goat cheese is the best snack to pair. Goat cheese is similar in its subdued nature, but also delivers pungent sensations when eaten. Sounds like a charcuterie night is necessary!

Prosciutto is an easy snack to pair with Blanc de Noir wine

Blanc de Noir + Prosciutto

Blanc de Noir is a typically lively and crisp wine, and this one from Blindfold carries the tastes of citrus, white peach, and a hint of tart cranberry. All of these things work swell with the saltiness of cured prosciutto, a true regular on our snack boards. Try wrapping melon slices in the meat, too, for an even fancier pairing!

Prosecco and Goldfish wine and snack pairing

Prosecco + Goldfish

Name a cuter combo – I'll wait! The bubbly goodness of Prosecco emulates the child-like energy within all of us, *plus* makes the ultimate partner for a big ol' handful of Goldfish crackers. The ideal setting for indulging in this nostalgic duo is a wholesome movie night under the blankets.

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Lead photo by KoolShooters / PEXELS.

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