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Meet The Founder Behind A New Clean Fragrance Brand

Welcome to our new series, “Ask A Founder,” where we tap into the great minds of female entrepreneurs making their big idea a reality. For the past two years, thousands of women have experienced our Selfmade virtual business coaching program, led by Brit + Co founder Brit Morin and sponsored by Office Depot OfficeMax. Here, we ask Selfmade alum Tyshaia Earnest of La Roux Perfume, a clean fragrance brand, about her life as a founder, her dream collab, and how she gets in the right headspace to start her day.

1. How would you describe your brand in five words? Sisterly, inviting, complex, communal, purposeful

2. What was your aha moment before starting this business? It was a random shower thought that had been brewing for a few years. When I studied abroad in Italy, I interned at a perfumery. While there, I was drawn into the beauty of creating fragrances and when I got home I recognized the beauty behind the love for fragrances in my community. Afterward, I knew if I ever created a product-based business in beauty, I wanted it to be in the fragrance category. It wasn't until 2020, when I least expected it, that the dots connected and my vision to create a more purpose-driven fragrance brand started to develop.

3. How do you get in the right headspace to start your day? Fun fact: I have a list of links to my favorite commencement and award acceptance speeches that I listen to. I find so much strength, power, and vulnerability in the words of my favorite entrepreneurs and creators. Their wisdom (and the thought of me one day giving one of these speeches) energizes me at the top of my day

4. How do you celebrate the small wins? Not going to lie, I am not the best at celebrating my small wins. Lately my partner has really helped push me into recognizing my small wins. With this recognition, I have been trying (!!!) to keep a journal of my wins and then pausing to reflect and celebrate them in my own intimate way.

5. What is the biggest risk you’ve taken? The biggest risk I’ve taken is committing to be the first of my family to do multiple things (college, entrepreneurship, and more)

6. What’s your favorite form of self-care? My favorite form of self-care involves movement and nature. I love a good walk (near water especially, I am a Cancer) or laying in the sun on a blanket.

7. How do you stay focused/productive? I play music with no lyrics (classical, jazz…).

8. What do you do on your breaks? I usually step away from my office and read, walk out on my roof for fresh air, or meditate.

9. What is the most powerful thing you do in your day? I write down a few of the things that I am grateful for. This has been a practice of mine for some years and I believe it is so powerful to be able to find something I am grateful for no matter if it was a “high” day or a “low” day.

10. What is your go-to productivity hack? Sticking to completing five key tasks each day and following the [time management system] Pomodoro Technique.

11. What has receiving the Office Depot OfficeMax scholarship to Selfmade done to help you grow your business? It was invaluable. One specific milestone that I crossed during the 10 weeks was our phase 1 of launch. This was a really exciting step that felt more seamless with this opportunity and the support of this community. The Selfmade curriculum has helped me set a strong foundation and knowledge base that has impacted this business, my personal brand and any other ventures I decide to pursue in the future. Not only has my business developed but so has my mind and the clarity of my dreams.

12. What would be your dream collab? My dream collaboration would be with Essence Magazine. There are two specific events that I can visualize being a brand sponsor at wayy further along in our journey: The Essence Festival and their Black Women in Hollywood award show. To have these rooms, filled with so much intergenerational joy, community, and strength, interact with my brand would be something beyond words. This collab would get my products directly in the hand of my muse with a thousand faces.

13. How have Office Depot OfficeMax services/products helped you accomplish more in your business? Office Depot products have helped me stay organized and beautifully packaged. I shop Office Depot for various quality office supplies and use their printing services!!

14. Fill in the blank: The idea of LaRoux Fragrances becoming a brand that personifies community, connection and love in the minds of women across the world blows my mind. The thought of children, moms, grandmothers, and greats all bonding over their shared love for the brand and what it represents gives me all the feels.

15. What does the word “selfmade” mean to you? When I hear selfmade I think of someone who, after being told “no”, either by people or systems, says “I can, and I will…watch.” The word selfmade means using your intuition, and innate gifts and wisdom to guide you to creating the life that you are destined for. When I think of this word, I think of someone who knows being selfmade isn't all about “self.” It is about finding others along the journey to guide you and walk alongside you. Being selfmade means understanding that you can’t create the world and life of your dreams on your own but, YOU do have to take the first step.

Thanks Tyshaia! Knowing where you excel combined with what the market needs is part of the secret to success. Office Depot OfficeMax can help you stay organized & save time with a suite of business services to help you accomplish more in your journey – from signs, posters & banners to get your business noticed to marketing materials to help bring your brand vision to life.

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