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What To Expect This Virgo Season, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Welcome to Virgo season! Here’s what to expect in the month ahead: The sun enters Virgo on August 22, allowing us to reflect during the last weeks of summer. Two days later, rebellious Uranus in Taurus turns retrograde (this planet will be moonwalking until January 22, 2023), telling us to implement change at our own pace. Mercury shifts into Libra on August 25, creating mindful and clear communication without drama. August 27’s new moon in Virgo pushes us to make our hopes a reality. Venus enters Virgo on September 5, adding practicality and reason to our romantic feelings. Mercury retrograde commences on September 9 and lasts until October 2, so you'll want to be careful in all communication and travel. The full moon in Pisces on September 10 brings out our memories, imagination, and dreams. Looking for more specific advice? Take a look at what to expect this Virgo season, and don't forget: We always recommend reading your rising sign horoscope, but your Sun sign and Moon sign horoscopes are also relevant.


The previous months haven’t given you much time to relax or decompress. Now, you are experiencing emotional and professional burn out, due to all of the work you have taken on. Having little time to focus on yourself is making you extremely anxious, which is why Virgo season is a time for you to take time off from work and from the social scene to heal. You may recommit to meditation or activities which take the edge off. Before you perpetuate the intense work cycle by taking on more professional endeavors, ask yourself if the stress is worth it.


Your love life will be a tough subject this month. On one hand, you want a partner who serves you well and represents steadiness and reliability. But, on the other hand, you want to have independence to do as you please, while having the autonomy to date around. It doesn’t mean you cannot have both, it’s just time to let the Universe do the work for you. This means being totally open with your partner. It also might mean dating people you normally wouldn’t be drawn to or stepping up in your current relationship to ensure it evolves.


women whispering on a couch about their virgo season forecast

Your romantic life is interesting to say the least! You have great people around you, and possibly too many to count! Be careful not to break too many hearts this month as your confidence will be supercharged and self-love overflowing. For you, love is about who you are with at the time you are with them. You may even go on a lot of friend dates and feel more social than normal. Resist opening up too much about your feelings, as you might attract more adoration than you can reciprocate!


As your educational opportunities are increasing, you may have to live life in a bit of a balancing act. Work and play are intermingling, so it might be a lot easier for you to actually enjoy your work and execute your true craft as well. As you step into more authority, new opportunities may come your way to align with your goals. Knowing where you stand is important because it’ll give you the wherewithal to know where you’re going — and that’s far.


Welcome to a new you, complete with expansion and self-exploration for you, dear lion. Your current journey could include a ton of traveling, either with a close loved one or even on your own. There are a lot of personal shifts happening and issues you might not have had the time to reflect upon from the past are affecting you directly now. You’ll be able to pass the cosmic tests thrown at you this month, so take on such challenges head-on knowing that you can work through them. The end result produces a more insightful, knowledgeable, and stronger version of yourself.


Although your feet are firmly placed on the ground, your heart may be off in another realm. Emotions are running deep, urging you to get back with an ex, frenemy, or commit to a relationship in which you’re not being seen for the amazing person that you are. It’s important to assess the partnership for what it actually is before diving deep and getting lost in the drama of it. If you’re in doubt, ask a friend who isn’t completely in-the-know for an objective opinion about your situation. They’ll tell you the truth — which you may not like hearing.


woman texting

The month ahead provides the artistic alignment that your sign might not always have. Though these talents are rarely seen, they undoubtedly live within you. Your dreams and your mind expand, allowing you to create your best work. Letting go and diving into your subconscious marks a time to allow the fates to dissolve your entire ego, and lift yourself into the highest realms of destiny. Yes, you might forget an appointment or two; however, you might finally paint the mural you have always wanted to paint or write that novel that’s been playing in the back of your mind.


Friends are a source of inspiration, hope, and love. However, there are a few of your besties who don’t have your best interest at heart. It’s important to note who they are and to put a boundary down with them to ensure their negativity doesn’t affect you. Less you interact with people who aren’t cheering you on or don’t have your back, the easier it will be to lead a happy life, full of positivity and good vibes. Think of it like this: Bad energy is contagious and you don’t need that in the exciting life that you’re building.


Your professional goals may be confusing this month, as you are stuck contemplating if the career you chose is the right one for you. Mercury’s backwards spin brings these internal struggles out to play, making you second guess your chosen path. You may find yourself more drawn to charitable work or opt to incorporate humanitarian efforts into your vocation. Starting a clothes, toy, or canned food drive at work is a great place to start — it’ll lead you down the path of more humanitarian efforts in the months ahead which will fill the void you've been grappling with.


Networking will take your career to extreme heights, mostly due to influencers who help bring your product, game, or career to new levels. Keep your eyes and ears open as you could hear from an old colleague on LinkedIn who has a prosperous job opportunity that’s lucrative. Schedule a meeting with them to hear the deets and to put yourself at the top of the prospective employee list. Although it may not seem glamorous or in the realm of possibility — the gig could turn out to be amazing for your future and push you toward the success you desire.


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While you can be super thrifty and are a big believer in saving pennies for a rainy day, you are bestowed monetary freedom under the new moon on August 27. This will allow you to spend as you wish. Celebrate your big payback by treating yourself to a nice present — as long as it’s not too expensive. The last month of summer brings an ending to the financial drain you’ve been experiencing by developing your personal finance portfolio that you recently started investing in. This is part of the financial dream you started back in 2020 and 2021.


This month is an emotional roller coaster for you. The days ahead bring ups and downs, filled with laughter and tears. The purpose is to teach you how much you are worth and for you to gain insight into how you choose to partner. The cosmos offer a chance for you to mend problems that exist within relationships. They also expose situations and diminishing power struggles that are not working for you anymore. Don’t despair because Virgo season brings the “right” kind of love your way and strengthens bonds with others — it’ll just be an exciting and emotional process.

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