Welcome to Libra season! The sun enters Libra on September 22, which is also the fall equinox and beginning of a new season. September 25 brings the Libra new moon, giving us a chance to start fresh in love and financial endeavors. While October 9’s full moon in Aries urges us to put our needs first, Mercury retrograde re-enters Virgo, taking us back a bit. The planetary moonwalk that began on September 9 ends on October 2 (yay!) and moves back into Libra on October 10. Venus glides into Venus on September 29, setting the stage for the Venus Star Point on October 22 that kicks off an eight year journey revolving around matters of the heart. When Venus is in Libra, it adds fairness, gentleness, and harmony to your relationships. Pluto turns direct on October 8, allowing us to change our lives for the better. Wondering what this all means for you? Take a look at what to expect this Libra season, and don't forget: We always recommend reading your rising sign horoscope, but your Sun sign and Moon sign horoscopes are also relevant.
Disconnect from your mind and connect with your inner spirit. Before you begin getting too heady, let your emotions be driven by your core truth: What lies within your heart? What do you desire? Focus on what is in your soul at the moment. You need to start living and thinking in adherence to the best ways to be present with those you care about who are in your inner circle. Abandoning your hang ups and fears will prove to be a fruitful and exciting adventure for you in the weeks ahead — but only if you let yourself be.
You’re at a crossroads this month which can feel like a boulder in your way. Allow yourself to be open to out-of-the-box solutions that can help augment your problems. The more you analyze situations and relationships, the harder it will be to understand them clearly. The truth is that your mind and heart need a break from trying to figure out the puzzle and motives of others. Taking a step away from matters will give you the perspective you need and allow you to see things differently. Also, it will let you react in a way that isn’t extremely dramatic and unkind.
You’ve been turning your head away from your own problems for quite some time, resulting in you focusing on others instead of your own relationships. Before you cast judgement on friends and family, you should figure out your own circumstances and find resolve with them. Try to stay neutral and look at your current situation objectively on the morning of October 22. The more you step away from pride and resentment — the better. Learn to appreciate those offering love who surround you. The less you take them for granted, the more abundance and affection will land in your lap.
There's a lot happening here that is for certain. Emotional fears can feel blocked through egotistical characters who try to deflect attention away from the main issues. As passions stew, it can pulsate on some pretty gritty energy where people might feel more primal than ever. These are moments to proceed with caution and be reminded that others are coming from a very visceral space. Arguments are highly possible — both on a personal scale and through the wider scope of power. What is reflected in the outside world is also turned within. It is imperative to take extreme self-care measures.
Strong emotions are plausible as the cosmos open up the need for immediate expression. There is so much to discuss, but do your really have the time to address it all in one sitting? Try to give others time to process things as well. Everyone is reacting to things much differently as there are many elements present through these cosmic vibes. Conflicts are at least out in the open which is half the battle. Not everything will be able to come to a resolution right away. Getting everyone to comply is only one piece to this very intricate puzzle.
Making tough decisions and committing to personal change is never easy and can require a lot of your blood, sweat, and tears — more than you would care to admit. However, this month brings you more than enough steady ground for extremely successful outcomes. It’s all a matter of continuing to show up regardless of the circumstances and lean into your enterprising qualities. Personal growth might just happen overnight and you have to allow yourself to receive the gifts with an open heart. The evolving solar energy invites and invigorates you to strive to be more caring on a soul level.
You usually color outside of the lines and use your visions to spark your creative notions. Playing by the rules has certainly affected your confidence. While you’ve been doing the right thing and honoring ethics, you’ve noticed those who take the easy path and side step are becoming more successful than you, at a rampant pace. You shouldn’t let this situation weigh on your shoulders. You don’t need accolades and status to prove yourself. You’ve got something no one else has: staying power. Although it may seem to appear differently, it is not. Believe in yourself more. Trust your artistry.
Grounding your energy can keep you on track even when you can feel a little uncertain about the distant future. The lessons of abundance and prosperity haven’t come easy, but very much pay off through the rewards of dedication. As a spiritually connected person, you can manifest anything you desire as long as you wish to will it into existence. There is a strong sense of gratitude that is coming your way this month, due to the culmination of your own personal wisdom that has driven you to this chance for new beginnings, which will add more pep to your step.
There's a lot you can get done as the Libra sun brightens the path for a better tomorrow. You feel there are multiple layers to this complex scenario. There can be a touch-and-go aspect as many are burning the candle at both ends these days. There are so many creative solutions it can be difficult to decide where to even begin! Looking honestly at what had once been keeping you down can provide logical solutions to traumatic memories. Sudden events might be the trigger for your need to tackle this situation and that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
There is a tug-of-war between one's own ego and the idea of what things are transforming toward. Structures that no longer serve the masses will ultimately crumble. There is a possibility for civil unrest in many ways via these transits as is the ultimate radical who invites chaotic change and sudden actions. Be open to many unplanned surprises on all fronts. The lighter side of this aspect is finally receiving that loan or payout you've been waiting on. This can also bring in competent community leaders with a major message that can help change the world — one of them could be you.
With Mercury retrograde creating ups and downs with your cash flow, the month ahead can be a great time to reassess your financial circumstances by being extremely honest about your spending habits. This is especially important when Mercury turns direct on October 2, because there will be a shift and an auspicious moment for your financial affairs. Remember that there is an ebb and flow to everything in life — even your money situation. October 22’s Venus Star Point is an opportunity to save and focus on your investments, as well as providing specific insights to your long term spending.
Your inner views are shifting, which are serving your transformational and transcendent needs. While you may take on an idealistic persona this month, others may prove to be unscrupulous and untrustworthy. You have no space in your heart for conniving people. Rather than arguing with others who have proven unworthy, you're taking the high road. No more theatrical confrontations. If people wish to be deceitful, let them. You don’t have time or space in your life for that energy anymore. Choosing to disengage from the dramatics will only elevate your vibe. Focus on yourself in the weeks ahead, not others.
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