Welcome to Scorpio season! Before we get into your personalized forecast for Scorpio season 2022, here's a quick primer on all of the planetary happenings that will have a major impact on your autumn relationships, goals, and more. To start, the sun moves into Scorpio on October 23, heightening our intuition and passion. Two days later, the solar eclipse in Scorpio occurs, which will bring our sensual and romantic needs to light. Jupiter retrograde re-enters Pisces, taking us back to May. This means we are revisiting the story from that time period and getting a second chance to make things right. Mercury swims into Scorpio on October 29 and jumps into Sagittarius on November 17, leading us from a non-confrontational state to a blunt place. Mars retrograde commences on October 30 in Gemini and lasts until January 12, 2023. Words can hurt as tempers flare up over the next several months. Finally, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8 tests boundaries in relationships, while Venus’s shift into Sagittarius on November 16 makes loving fun.
Ready to see how this all impacts you? Keep reading for your Scorpio season forecast and remember: We always recommend reading your rising sign horoscope, but your Sun sign and Moon sign horoscopes are also relevant.
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There is a great deal to be learned by hearing the flip side of the story and situations. Scorpio season is bringing out your more practical and protective side, allowing you to discuss matters without flying off the handle. When the month commences, you will be forced to dive so deeply inward to know what you are able to take, and what you can no longer tolerate in your life. As you pummel into the end of the month, you’ll want to feed your naturally inquisitive nature, to be an honest about where you want to direct the show.
You might find yourself being one of the most popular people in the dating game right out of the gate. Now, deciding whether any romantic prospects entering your life are worth it is another piece of the puzzle for you. Your birthday months can bring around someone that truly knocks you off your feet, only to feel more confused with the eclipse cycles. Discovering what you love and focusing on friendships might serve your soul best. Even though you would prefer to meet your ultimate soulmate, it can be one of those things that plays a longer course these days.
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If you haven’t been getting the appreciation from your boss that you so rightly deserve, it’s going to sting a bit more. Differing work styles are likely to present themselves as larger than usual obstacles and could create tension if you’re not feeling secure in your job. Fortunately, the lunar eclipse on November 8 brings a sense of understanding from others. Colleagues are more patient than usual and have the bandwidth to deal with any issues that arise. Communicate your need for more positive reinforcement — you’ll know how to state your needs clearly, given the chance.
Your professional goals may be changing right now, as you are contemplating your future and second guessing your past career choices. You’ll find yourself more drawn than ever to charitable work. Try to incorporate humanitarian efforts into your current job. Starting a clothes or food drive at work is a great place to start. It will surely lead you down the path of more humanitarian efforts, which could inspire a new career path. The truth is that your tender and generous heart wants to give others financial help, even if it causes you to be in a financial pinch.
Now is the time to use your voice to speak up. While you may have taken the silent approach to mending issues in your personal life in the past, you are learning that the only way to be heard and bring change in your life is to express (not repress) your emotions. The flip side to this month’s transits, is that you may feel as though you are receiving backlash from others and are the victim of their emotional projections. A positive way to use your influence and popularity is to advocate for a cause on social media with some friends.
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You always color inside of the lines. This results in you not wanting to take any unnecessary risks or shake up the status quo. Playing by the rules has certainly affected your confidence. While you’ve been doing the right thing and honoring ethics, you’ve noticed those who take the easy path and use connections are becoming more successful than you, at a rampant pace. Before you let this situation weigh on your confidence, note that you are walking down the righteous avenue towards self-fulfillment. You don’t need accolades and status to prove your triumphs because you are beyond amazing!
Finances throughout the month require your watchful eye. You’ll have to tinker down on your spending habits, in order to make sure you’re able to put money in a long-term savings account. Finances can be extremely good one day, and require you to really penny pinch another day. The month ahead keeps this erratic cycle moving, with the idea that there is more empowerment these days in your ability to save and properly invest on all levels. If you need advice, ask a trusted confidant for advice. They will steer you in the right direction and help you make sound decisions.
The lunar waves continue to reflect the North node’s presence in Taurus and the South nodes cleansing release in Scorpio. The first eclipse activity of the season begins with a solar eclipse on October 25. It aligns with you sun sign, offering you the chance to embrace and express your emotions. The total lunar eclipse on November 8 opposes your sun and tests your boundaries and limits. The cycle reflects the past in many ways, making you nostalgic and reflective. This energy can feel like you need to revisit certain elements of your life in order to move forward.
![Girls sitting and talking with coffee mugs](https://www.brit.co/media-library/girls-sitting-and-talking-with-coffee-mugs.jpg?id=31970501&width=980)
Trust your intuition on whether or not it’s a good time to try to heal any wounds that exist with old friends or lovers. However, you’ll soon find that it’s not the time to relive the past and the heartache is still present for everyone involved — including yourself. Mars retrograde is in full swing in your opposing sign, Gemini, making the month that much more intense. You’re very likely to take everything personally, so you’ll be easily offended. Just lay low for the moment and take some time to journal if you feel a tantrum coming on.
There is a tug-of-war between your ego and the idea of what things are transforming. Structures that no longer serve the masses will ultimately crumble, causing a lot of unrest in your personal life. Be open to many unplanned surprises on all fronts. The lighter side of this aspect is that your life is evolving positively. This month can also bring in competent community leaders with a major message. Either way, there is a radical change in the sky which will affect you on a profound and soulful level if you cannot embrace the growth happening in the world.
Let yourself be loved. You have done the work and now it’s time to revel in your efforts. Now it’s time to experience pleasure. Allow your power to grow. Connect to partners or even date outside of your comfort zone. A new flirtation or someone who you might not have even considered previously can enter your life. The bottom line is that you should keep your eyes and heart open. Instead of turning down social invites or dates, go out and have fun! Life shouldn’t just be happening around you — it should be going on with you as a participant.
Love will come easy to you this month. You’ll find inspiration from a crush to your partner, who will elevate you to be a better person and live on a higher vibration. A long distance love affair can take flight, leading to a deep commitment. It will merge your mind, spirit, and body with your boo. The only caveat is to watch out for jealousy within your relationship. While things may seem serendipitous most of the time, your partner may assert their power and dominance, causing you more tears than kisses. However, all will be forgiven shortly when they offer a sincere apology.
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