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Your Sagittarius Season Horoscope Is Ready — Here's What To Expect This Month

Now that we're on the other side of eclipse season, a lot of us are breathing a collective sigh of relief. All the lessons we've been learning in the Scorpio and Taurus areas of our charts are now ready to be encoded for good, as we say goodbye to one phase and enter another. Sagittarius season begins in earnest on November 22, and the themes of the month are all about expansion, illusion, and optimism (whether real or imagined). To see how Sagittarius season will play out for you, read on to find the Sag season forecast for your rising sign.

woman outside for sagittarius season horoscope


Aries, Sag season kicks off with a New Moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd. This is likely to be a time in your life that you feel a lot of wind beneath your wings on matters related to travel, philosophy, and even spirituality. Set aside some time for epic adventures — whether out in the real world, or within your intellect — and soak up the lessons you learn.

In the last few days of November, though, you may find the wind taken out of your sails a little bit, as you need to walk back something you've said (or take in some harsh truths). Don't let it get you down though... all that time spent reflecting and philosophizing around the New Moon means that the uncomfortable realities you've unearthed can only expand your worldview in the long run. You might even find that some of the heated exchanges taking place turn into something resembling passion — perhaps even titillating banter with a travel buddy, neighbor, or classmate.

As December begins, some of these interactions may seem exciting, but be careful what you commit to. You might find yourself walking back some of the promises you've made within a couple of days, giving the whole vibe something like that of a fever dream. Once Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 6th, you're likely to have your head planted a little more firmly on your shoulders, ready to get back to business.

Mid-December will bring with it lots of fun and exciting interactions. You should be especially excited to attend any parties related to your classmates and coworkers, where your connections might be particularly enjoyable. Live your best life, Aries!


While everyone else might be in the mood to party this time of year, Taurus, you might be kicking off Sag season feeling a little more introverted than usual. And if that doesn't resonate with you, it may simply be that you're keeping more secrets, and holding back in interactions as you keep your thoughts and emotions close to your chest. Your friendships are going to be super supportive to you during this time, so if you can allow yourself to spill your guts to your closest pals, you're likely to feel a lot better about what it is you've been holding in.

As time moves forward, however, you may find yourself revealing a few too many of your secrets. As November winds down and December begins, be careful that you don't overshare with the wrong people. How can you tell who to trust? It all comes down to your values. If any of your relationships are starting to seem like they might not align with your own values, it's time to push pause and slow down.

Around December 6th, you'll likely start feeling a little less preoccupied with internal matters and more interested in what's going on in the real world. Take some time to plan a staycation, explore your own city, and hit up a museum or two. This will give you the clarity you need on the 7th, when the Full Moon in Gemini asks you to externalize the inner work you've been doing around your own values. If a heady situation arises, ask yourself if your behavior is in line with who you are and who you want to be.


Gemini, you're kicking off the season with a New Moon in your house of partnerships on the 23rd, just as Jupiter stations direct in your house of career and public image. It's time to plant the seeds you want to nurture in your work life. You may even find that someone you meet or a conversation you have around this time leads to a very fruitful business or career partnership long into the future. Be on the lookout for like-minded collaborators, and do your best to be open to whatever comes your way.

While being open to new opportunities is important, it's equally important not to be gullible. After the New Moon time period, you'll want to be on your guard in your relationships. It's not that anyone has any bad intentions, per se, but that people around you (or perhaps you yourself) might be committing to more than they are capable of doing. Between November 30th and December 4th, take any plans or proclamations made with a grain of salt.

By December 6, you might start having your guard up a little more when it comes to interactions with others. And that's okay — as energy shifts, so do we. But make time for your significant others around December 7th through the 9th, when the Full Moon and Venus work together to bring extra pleasure and fun to your closest relationships.

woman outside for sagittarius season horoscope


Cancer, for you, your mental and physical health are going to be the major themes of Sagittarius season. Around the time of the New Moon in Sag on the 23rd, you might find the answers to some medical or physical questions you've been asking, and might find that you feel a renewed energy around your health and wellness. Just be careful: You're at risk of overdoing it if you're not careful. Don't work out too hard, don't expect therapy to cure all your problems in a matter of weeks, and don't expect perfection from yourself. These ways of thinking can put a huge drain on your actual health and wellness.

In the first few days of December, you may feel a bit frustrated with your work life and daily routines, leading to a general feeling of restlessness. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th is a good time to stay home and recharge — and frankly, with the health issues you've been facing, you're probably going to need it. Get your favorite cozy necessities ready and enjoy a good self-care night.

As Sagittarius season wraps up, it might start to feel like just when you have the answers to the health questions you've been asking, you get thrown another curveball. Just hang in there and remember that this too will pass. The best thing you can do for yourself right now is get some rest, work with your care team if you have one, and allow things to unfold naturally.


Leos love a good holiday party, and this Sag season isn't going to be any different. The New Moon on the 23rd will help you leave at home some of the inner questions you've been wrestling with, allowing you to have fun and do a bit more exploring than you've been up for lately. It's a good time to start a new hobby, whether that's a creative endeavor or a new workout routine.

If your friendships have been shaken up a bit lately, expect the friction to continue throughout Sagittarius season. A little friction isn't always a bad thing, and for you in particular, it might ignite into something resembling passion. The push-pull energy you're invigorated by takes center stage around the 30th, when platonic friendships have the opportunity to evolve into something more physical.

However, by early December, things might start feeling a little unclear in terms of where these hobbies, friendships, and flirtations are heading. Do your best to let go and roll with it. This isn't a time for commitments or steadfast promises, it's a time to explore, enjoy yourself, and embrace uncertainty. You might find all of this coming to a head on the Full Moon in Gemini on the 7th. Make sure your inner compass is aligned so you can move through whatever arises with ease.


Sagittarius season will kick off with an emphasis on your home and family life, Virgo. Around the New Moon on the 23rd, you'll find that things start moving forward in regard to your closest one-to-one relationships, like significant others, besties, or business partners. Within about a week of that New Moon, you'll find yourself being torn between your home life and work commitments, so soak up the cozy vibes while you can.
By the time December arrives, all the promising developments in your close relationships may start looking a little murky again. Don't let it get you down; this out-of-body feeling is only temporary, and as it gets closer to the middle of the month, you may find that your priorities lie with your hobbies and having fun anyway.
On December 7, the Full Moon in Gemini will have you celebrating all the wholehearted efforts you've been putting in at work — or on your social media channels and public appearances. This is a good time to take stock of all the grinding you've been doing to make sure it's not draining you in terms of your energy, time, or personal life.

two women discussing sagittarius season horoscope


Libra, Sag season is going to be spotlighting the way you communicate with others and how it impacts your worldview. If you've found that the last couple of weeks have had you rethinking... well, everything... you can expect that a lot of those themes are going to continue throughout the rest of November and into December.

Here's some good news: The season kicks off with a New Moon that symbolizes new beginnings, and perhaps a streak of good luck when it comes to daily tasks like work and your personal routines.

As December rolls in, you might find that you're having miscommunications with someone in your circle; perhaps a boss, neighbor, or someone who you manage at work. Try your best to be clear and kind in the way you give and receive information. Double check all your assignments, because chances are something could get missed.

By December 7, the Full Moon will have you incorporating these lessons into the way you see the world. If miscommunication at work has been an issue, consider reading a book on the subject so you can take the necessary steps to improve. If your personal wellness has been tricky, find a good source of knowledge on the topic you're facing and consider their advice.


What do you value, Scorpio? It's a similar question, though different, from "What do you enjoy?". As Sag season kicks off, you might discover new hobbies or activities that both fill your cup and align with your life goals. Take note of what ever ideas come up — they're probably worth acting on, but the coming month is going to make some of these dreams difficult to manifest.

Around November 29, something that could get in the way is other peoples' baggage, whether emotional or physical. You're the kind of person who sometimes comes across as always willing to help, but make sure to take time for me-time as the month comes to a close. Now's the time to find your voice, express your values out loud, and stand up for yourself.

December will kick off with a few barriers to those fun new activities we talked about. If you're feeling a bit directionless, make space for some grounding activities like deep breathing, cooking, and walking in nature. Adding these grounding elements to your life will help you feel steady enough to be flexible when it comes to saying yes to fun new opportunities. Remember: When your values are aligned, you can be more spontaneous with your spur-of-the-moment decisions.


Sagittarius, this is probably going to be a big time of year for you, and not just because it's Sag season. Starting with the New Moon on November 23rd, you're likely to experience some pleasant shakeups and buzzy excitement around topics like your home, your appearance, or even your parents. It may be that you're feeling as though you've really come into your own around your identity, and made peace with where you are in life and your family of origin's expectations.

Some of that inner peace may start to feel a little far away come November 29, when it's possible that a heated exchange between you and a close loved one could occur. If this person happens to be a significant other, remember that the opposite of love isn't hate, it's ambivalence: Use these disagreements to ignite some spark and infuse passion back into your relationship.

By the time the Moon is full on the 7th of December, you'll be seeing a culmination of what you've been experiencing with regard to your identity, significant others in your life, and other peoples' expectations of you. It'll be time to gather what you've learned and put your best food forward, knowing that it's your time to shine. Just be careful of being a little too overconfident: the boost you've been getting astrologically could lead to some delusions of grandeur around the 9th, so remember to stay humble.

woman outside sagittarius season horoscope


Have you been struggling to put how you're feeling into words? Capricorn, Sagittarius season will kick off with you starting to feel like your words are coming ever so slightly more freely, especially when it comes to articulating your innermost thoughts, secrets, and shadows. You might also have an important revelation around the time of the New Moon about your inner demons and how they may have been impacting how you see the world. Whip out that journal and write down whatever comes to mind — dream journaling will be especially helpful around this time.

Another reason you'll want to have your journal handy is because with all the revelations you might be experiencing, your thoughts and ideas may at times seem contradictory. Don't let that bother you; multiple things can be true at once, and if you're in alignment, this is a time when creativity and ideas can spill forth from your subconscious.

By the time of the Full Moon on the 7th, it may be time to step away from the journaling, however. Dwelling too much in the mind can lead to anxiety, so it's important to get back into your body and get grounded. Some yoga, a nice walk outside, or a warm bath can help you reconnect to your senses on the night of the Full Moon.

By the first of December, the emphasis will start moving away from the depths of your psyche and into more concrete matters, like your appearance, body, and identity. Use the deeper wisdom you've acquired throughout the month to inform whatever choices you make.


Remember that phrase that was huge circa 2015 or so, "your vibe attracts your tribe"? Well, the opposite is also true: Your tribe can seriously impact your vibe, and questions about who you hang out with and whether or not your social circle reflects your values are going to be central questions for you this Sag season.

As the season kicks off, give some thought to whether or not your social circle (which includes your friends, but also your coworkers, family you see often, and the people you follow on social media) is truly in line with how you want to live your life. If you've been thinking about going on an unfollow spree, now's the time to do it.

If you find that you're feeling a lot of pent-up frustration, try your best not to take it out on your friends: Channel it into a hobby or activity. Boxing or screaming into a pillow ought to do the trick.

As December begins, it might be difficult to know what's important to you. With all the confusion you've been experiencing around your friendships and your values, that's totally understandable. Around the time of the Full Moon on the 7th, try to keep a healthy distance from anyone who may be riling you up. Take a couple of days' rest from any demanding physical pursuits and just make some time for rest and relaxation.


Pisces, your work life, public persona, and image are going to be taking center stage at the beginning of Sag season. You're going to have a lot of opportunities to shine, but make sure that you're not escaping into work to avoid problems at home. While your public persona is going to get a major boost at the end of November, it's possible that it's at the expense of your privacy. Be careful not to overshare with the world anything you might wish you'd kept to yourself once the dust has settled.

Similarly, it's going to be important as December begins that you pay attention to what might be said that can't be taken back. If you're in a leadership position, be sure not to give direction without thinking through it fully. In fact, it might be best to wait until a different time before making any major decisions or giving important advice that will reflect back on you.

The Full Moon on the 7th could bring to light any issues that may be arising for the people you live with. You can expect some emotions to be running a little high, especially if people at home have been feeling neglected in light of your recent success. Practice active listening so you can understand others' concerns, whether at work or at home.

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