Social media really turned “hormones” into quite the buzzword. Our TikTok feeds are constantly filled with things to eat, supplements to take, and exercises to do all in hopes of balancing our hormones. The influx information is so overwhelming, and you may not know where to start.
Don’t worry though, we’ve answered all of your burning questions and have broken down simple, accessible ways to boost four of your happiest hormones.
What are hormones?
This is a totally normal question to have. With so much misinformation out there, it is hard to separate facts from fiction.
Board-certified doctors over at Parsley Health explained them best: “Hormones are the most potent chemical messengers in our bodies, telling your body what to do and when. That’s why when your hormones are out of balance, you may be able to feel the effects, whether it be via insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, or mood swings.”
What does it mean to have a hormone imbalance?
Hormone imbalances occur when your hormones “aren’t communicating properly, and your body incorrectly produces too much or too little of any hormone,” the doctors at Parsley Health explained. “And if the production of just one hormone in any of these glands is thrown off, it can affect all the others, quickly creating a snowball effect that leaves you feeling off.”
What can cause a hormone imbalance?
There are tons of things that can disrupt your hormone production, leaving an imbalance in its wake. Chronic stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor diet, weight gain or difficulty losing weight, acne, hair loss and more.
What can I do if I think I have a hormone imbalance?
First off, definitely reach out to a trusted medical professional for their opinion and advice. The way to improve your hormonal balance starts with taking care of yourself, and choosing to actively be involved in your health. That means eating well, sleeping through the night, and exercising routinely, to start. There are plenty of ways to boost your endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine naturally, so keep reading to find out how.

Let’s start with endorphins. Endorphins are your body’s natural painkillers and stress-reducers. You probably think of endorphins as the boost of joy you get when you’re excited – which is exactly what they do. After all, like Elle Woods famously said, “Endorphins make people happy!” There are tons of ways to boost your endorphins, but we recommend exercising, laughing, dancing, expressing your creativity, eating spicy foods (pass the hot sauce, please!), and burning essential oils. All of these act as a natural catalyst to increase your endorphin levels, so give them a try.

Serotonin stabilizes your mood, improves sleep and basically manages all the important things in your body, like your emotions, appetite and digestion. Naturally boost your serotonin levels by meditating, spending time in nature, soaking in vitamin D, sweating it out in an infrared sauna or getting a massage. If taking care of myself means regular massages, then you better believe I’m all in!

Now onto oxytocin, AKA the love hormone. Oxytocin is responsible for that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when surrounded by others, especially love interests. Increase your oxytocin by petting cute animals (uh – sign me up!), hugging someone, doing a good deed, talking to a loved one on the phone and spending time with people you care about.

Finally we have dopamine, the feel-good hormone you’re probably already familiar with. This happy hormone is responsible for managing your brain’s reward center. Help your dopamine flourish by listening to upbeat music, eating a protein-rich diet, sleeping well, completing a task on your to-do list, and (our favorite) eating chocolate.
You should know that you can improve several of your hormone levels through one task. Like meditating, for instance, can benefit both your serotonin and dopamine output. This definitely makes improving your hormone health way easier, and certainly less stressful.
Let's Talk Hormonal Imbalance-Tok
Chances are, you’re reading this article because of something you saw on social media, probably TikTok. #HormoneImbalance and #HormoneBalancing each has millions of views on the platform, but like many things you should take TikTok advice with a grain of salt.
Dr. Datta-Thomas knows women are turning to social media for medical advice, and sees the potential in education through TikTok.
“The medical system right now is often leaving patients and healthcare clinicians dissatisfied,” she said in an interview with Motherly. “Time for discussion and counseling is hard to fit into the 15-20 minute visits designed by health insurance companies, so opportunities for education are limited.”
Dr. Jill Purdie, MD, an OB/GYN and medical director, agrees that a lack of provider trust or thorough explanations can be an issue.
“My guess is that women turn to social media because they don’t feel heard or supported by their healthcare provider,” she said to Motherly. “Maybe someone just simply said ‘it’s not your hormones,’ but did not offer any explanation as to why or treatment options.”
However, without knowing you or your body, TikTok docs (and people claiming to be docs) can only give you so much advice. That’s why it is increasingly important to double and triple-check everything you hear from social media, especially in regards to your health.
Now that we’ve scheduled our medical appointments, we’re off to get some massages while petting cute dogs and eating some chocolate, so do not disturb!
Keep updated on all things health and wellness with Brit + Co.
Photo: Luna Active Fitness/Unsplash
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