Welcome to April! There are several planetary happenings this month that will augment our personal lives. Mercury moves into Taurus on April 3, making communications more straightforward and structured. April 6’s Full Moon in Libra offers us a chance to reassess relationships. Venus enters Gemini on April 11, adding flirty and fun vibes to our lives. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries occurs on April 20, moments before the Sun enters Taurus, urging us to put ourselves and visions first. Mercury retrograde commences on April 21 and lasts until May 14 in Taurus, redefining our partnerships, friendships, and finances.
April will have you charging forward with confidence. Your self esteem will be on an upswing, as you effortlessly move through the vibrant energy of your season on the zodiac. The caveat is that Mercury retrograde may have you rethinking your decisions. Stand tall in your beliefs and choices now.
There is a ton of cerebral action happening around relationships and how to move forward. You’re stuck in a whirlwind of craving change while feeling uncertain about how to verbalize our needs. The best way to navigate these waters is by taking a moment to reflect and to set boundaries.
Ask yourself what's worth fighting for and letting go of in your personal life. This will allow you to revisit the situation feeling calm and confident in your stance. You have the chance to be a bigger, more logical person — even though Mercury is moving backwards this month.
You have the chance to manifest creative visions with your work. The cosmos are pushing you to make your dreams a reality. Channel your fiery and brave nature this month. Do not let fear hold you back from achieving your goals. The only person who stands in your way is you.
Work may be extra stressful this month, due to your schedule and calendar being lit up. The good news is that you’re accomplishing all of your tasks and taking care of business. But, it could take a toll on your energy, if you don’t give yourself a chance to rest.
The work offer you’ll receive this month could be hard to resist, but you might opt towards saying “no” to it no matter how much they promise. Just because it seems good on paper doesn’t mean it actually is. Don’t ignore the details of any contract or financial matters.
Others are willing to drop everything and put your needs first. All your hesitations throughout the years about asking for help, guidance, and assistance will be squashed. This will make your heart grow and see that even your competitors are your friends — not your enemies.
It’s okay to put those who have hurt you on ice. Taking a break from relationships and situations that cause you stress is essential for your growth. Holding onto negativity can cause emotional and mental strain. Choose to engage with those who lift you up, rather than push you down.
There's an opportunity for you to align with someone with the objective of starting a small business from the creative projects that you are making. This may be a good side hustle for you to pursue to make extra cash, if it doesn’t interfere with your current career goals.
A relationship from the past may come back into your present life this month, due to Mercury’s backwards march. Although you'll be tempted to check in with your ex once they reappear, you can create the terms of the partnership and define your boundaries based on what you want.
While you want to let your truth be known, it may cause conflict with others and bring down the mood of your social circle. The month ahead gives you the chance to speak from the heart without receiving hate in return, because your opinion will be well received and respected.
You'll want to be careful that you're not falling for an unrealistic fantasy, since the cosmos could lead to broken hearts if you fall for romantic deception. Keep your eyes open when it comes to romance in order to see situations clearly. Now, you'll be wise to all matters.
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