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Your July Horoscope Is Here It's All About Change Change And More Change

July is knocking on the door, and it's about to be intense. We've got a lot of astrological events coming up, starting with the Full Moon in Capricorn occurs on July 3, giving us the incentive to own our emotions and to work hard to maintain relationships. The action-packed planet Mars enters Virgo on July 10, making us more introspective and less impulsive. Next, Mercury leaps into Leo on July 11, bringing more flair and drama to the way we communicate. The New Moon in Cancer occurs on July 17, the same day the Nodes of Destiny glide into the Aries-Libra axis — a fateful time where we're set to evolve into our best selves. Venus retrograde in Leo starts right before the Sun shifts into Leo on the 22nd, letting us decipher what we want from relationships and love. At the end of the month, Mercury moves into Virgo on July 28, rounding it all out with a fresh mindset and clarity.

Here's what's specifically in store for your sign this July!


Working with a team isn't always easy for you to do — we know you like to take the lead on all projects. This month you're learning how to take charge and assert your power...without being bossy. It’ll be hard, but worth it because you will grow from the experience.


You to break free from the situations and people that are holding you back, and you can as long as you remember that this will require you to move forward without looking back. If you have the confidence to start a new chapter in your life, then move toward your passions and create the vision you desire.


Life is constantly busy, and you need a break. Self-care is extremely important right now, which is why you need to put yourself first by scheduling “you” time. You wanna make sure that you’re taking care of yourself and getting rest— this is a must before experiencing mental and physical burnout.


You may feel some personal insecurities and jealousies right now, but those will ultimately bring challenges your way. I suggest having an open discussion about these issues — it'll definitely be beneficial, however, it won’t stop the issues from manifesting in the future. A way to squash problems is to have someone be the moderator, like a trusted friend or a therapist, to bring a mutual understanding.


The scope of your career may be in flux as things are changing, and you're probably feeling lost in the shuffle. Pay attention to the direction that your job is actually going, though — you could be able to navigate the peripheral and benefit from the way your gig is going to be newly structured.


You may feel out of the loop in your social circle right now. Truth be told, you were the last one to hear the recent news that’s permeating your squad — but that doesn’t mean it was intentional or malicious. Keep that in mind before you confront your crew.


You’re longing for some down time to spend with the people you love. Don’t be afraid to slow down, by taking each and every day one at a time. Right now you should keep your focus on friends, family, and yourself — instead of other things that aren’t as important as the people you adore.


Feeling stuck? It could be that you're staying in one place for too long! It’s time to spread your wings and to see the world instead. Plan a vacation with friends or family — even if it’s a road trip to the next town, you’ll feel better having opened yourself up to your wanderlust goals.


Rather than make impulsive decisions for yourself and others — something you struggle with, Sag — try to tap into your inner wisdom and higher self. Think matters through and come to your own conclusions. The more effort you put into making assessments and choices, the less you’ll have to worry about the outcome in the end.


Although you like to stick to the script when it comes to relationships, using your tried and true methodologies, you're finding that you might need a new way of communicating with others. Take time out of your busy schedule to consider (and practice) how you converse, so you can be more stable in your partnerships with others.


Change is part of your astrological DNA, but you’re finding that personal evolution is harder than it looks. Be open to the new sentiments that are coming your way, and lean into growth by taking baby steps in your transformation. It will really help if you can go with the flow without putting pressure on yourself.


You tend to take calculated risks instead of diving into situations head first. However, a major opportunity is coming your way that will require you to be fully in and to take a leap of faith. In order to do so, you’ll have to remain present and not to stress.

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Header image via ROMAN ODINTSOV / PEXELS

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