We all remember those relationship and friendship quizzes plastered throughout the pages of Seventeen and Tiger Beat, probably in between a life size poster of One Direction and the “best dressed” of the 2000s (Spoiler alert: it was no one.). These quizzes have gotten a major upgrade since their Y2K beginnings thanks to the help of clinical researchers and IRL experts. Even though you still may be “girlfriend material” for Zac Efron, we gathered up a few more quizzes that were made for your newfound adulthood.
We love a good quiz (or two, or three) and these are the ones worth taking for accurate, digestible results.
For Friendships And Relationships

How Strong Are Your Relationships?
This New York Times quiz analyzes how happy you are in your current relationships, and gives you advice based on your result. A part of their 7-Day Happiness Challenge, the questions “were designed in partnership with Dr. Robert Waldinger, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, to help you take stock of the range and strength of your many social ties.”
If You’re In A Romantic Relationship

Is your relationship healthy?
love is respect was created in conjunction with the US Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Family and Youth Services Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Bumble to address cases of domestic violence throughout the country. This quiz is a great tool to evaluate the healthiness of your relationship and quickly access resources to strengthen it.

36 Questions On The Way To Love
This NYT quiz is another one of our faves, especially if you’re looking to strengthen your relationship with your partner. Essentially, these 36 questions will indicate whether or not you and your partner become closer together through mutual vulnerability. While any quiz result should be taken with a grain of salt, it’s a great indicator of the level of connection you share with your partner.

To Fall In Love With Anyone, Do This
Take charge of your romantic life. NYT created another quiz to inspire autonomy in your love life (or pursuit of a love life).
To Learn More About Yourself

7 Loves Styles Test
Created by Truity, this quiz fuses personality science with the seven love languages, five of which were initially coined by couples counselor Dr. Gary Chapman, who observed that people differ in what sort of interactions make them feel loved. This quiz is a great way to gauge what you need from others in relationships, and how you show love to those you feel closest to.

What’s Your Attachment Style?
Do you freak out if your partner doesn’t text you back ASAP? Do you easily open up to loved ones, or is that an area you struggle in? Do you still insta-stalk your exes? How you answer the questions in this NPR quiz can offer some insight into your attachment style. Each person has a unique attachment style that informs how you relate to intimacy, so figuring this out can be super helpful to growing in your relationships.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
If you haven’t discovered your MBTI yet, 16 Personalities has the perfect quiz for you. This freakishly accurate quiz assesses how you respond to a variety of situations based on a series of questions. Eventually, you’ll be presented with one of 16 unique personality types — which can provide thoughtful insight into how you operate internally and externally.
Hopefully these quizzes have given you some insight into yourself and the inner workings of your relationships, whether they are platonic or romantic. We certainly found them incredibly clarifying!
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Header image by Greta Hoffman / PEXELS
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